[m-dev.] Tdiff: termination analysis (BIG!)
Fergus Henderson
fjh at cs.mu.oz.au
Wed Apr 23 15:50:47 AEST 1997
The final installment for this round of reviewing...
Christopher Rodd SPEIRS, you wrote:
> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % support functions for goal_inequality
> :- pred join_offsets(list(term_pass1__equation), list(term_pass1__equation),
> list(term_pass1__equation)).
> :- mode join_offsets(in, in, out) is det.
Please document this predicate.
> join_offsets(In1, In2, Out) :-
> ( In2 = [] ->
> Out = In1
> ;
> (
> In1 = [],
> Out = In2
> ;
> In1 = [X | Xs],
> list__map(eqn_add(X), In2, Out1),
> ( Xs = [] ->
> Out = Out1
> ;
> join_offsets(Xs, In2, Out0),
> list__append(Out0, Out1, Out)
> )
> %list__merge_and_remove_dups(Out0, Out1, Out)
There's no need to special-case Xs = [] here.
> % Solve the list of constraints
> % output is of the form required by lp_solve (not yet)
I don't understand the "(not yet)" comment.
> io__get_environment_var("LPSOLVE", Lpsolve0),
Please prefix all environment variable names with `MERCURY_', to avoid
name clashes.
> ;
> % Damn, it failed, interpret result,
> % and were done
s/it failed,/it failed;/
> % dont forget to close, and delete files!!
> io__remove_file(ConstraintFile, Res1),
> ( { Res1 = error(Error1) } ->
> { io__error_message(Error1, Msg1) },
> io__write_strings([
> ProgName,
> ": Error unlinking temporary file `",
(Ditto elsewhere)
> :- pred solve_eqns_parse_output_file(eqn_soln, io__state, io__state).
> :- mode solve_eqns_parse_output_file(out, di, uo) is det.
> solve_eqns_parse_output_file(Soln) -->
> io__read_line(Res1),
> ( { Res1 = ok(_) } ->
> solve_eqns_parse_output_file_2(Soln0, MaybeBVal),
> ( { Soln0 = solved(Result0) } ->
> ( { MaybeBVal = yes(BVal) } ->
> { solve_eqns_output_file_2(Result0, BVal,
> Result) },
> { Soln = solved(Result) }
> ;
> io__write_string("no bval\n"),
> { Soln = parse_error }
> )
> ;
> io__write_string(
> "parse_output_file returned not solved\n"),
> { Soln = parse_error }
> )
> ;
> { Soln = parse_error }
> ).
Should those calls to io__write_string really be there?
> :- pred solve_eqns_output_file_2(list(pair(pred_proc_id, int)), int,
> list(pair(pred_proc_id, int))).
> :- mode solve_eqns_output_file_2(in, in, out) is det.
> solve_eqns_output_file_2([], _, []).
> solve_eqns_output_file_2([X | Xs], BVal, [Y | Ys]) :-
> X = PPId - XVal, % pair deconstruction
> YVal = XVal - BVal, % subtraction
s/=/is/ (otherwise it won't work with NU-Prolog or SICStus Prolog).
> :- pred solve_eqns_parse_output_file_2(eqn_soln, maybe(int), io__state,
> io__state).
> :- mode solve_eqns_parse_output_file_2(out, out, di, uo) is det.
> solve_eqns_parse_output_file_2(Soln, BVal) -->
> io__read_line(Res1),
> ( { Res1 = ok([ X | Xs ]) } ->
> (
> { X = 'a' },
What does the magic character 'a' mean?
Please at least document this better.
> ;
> { X = 'b' },
Ditto for 'b'.
> :- pred char_list_remove_int(list(char), int, list(char)).
> :- mode char_list_remove_int(in, out, out) is semidet.
> char_list_remove_int([X | Xs], Int, ListOut) :-
> char__is_digit(X),
> char__to_int(X, Int0),
> Int1 = Int0 - 48, % char__to_int('0', 48).
> char_list_remove_int_2(Xs, Int1, Int, ListOut).
Now where did we put the gun after we shot the last summer student... ;-)
Magic numbers are evil. Please avoid them.
> :- pred char_list_remove_int_2(list(char), int, int, list(char)).
> :- mode char_list_remove_int_2(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
> char_list_remove_int_2([], Int, Int, []).
> char_list_remove_int_2([X | Xs], Int0, Int, ListOut) :-
> ( char__is_digit(X) ->
> char__to_int(X, Int1),
> Int2 = Int0 * 10 + Int1 - 48,
> :- pred lpsolve_ret_val(int, eqn_soln).
> :- mode lpsolve_ret_val(in, out) is det.
> lpsolve_ret_val(Int, Result) :-
> ( Int = -1 -> Result = fatal_error
> ; Int = 0 -> Result = optimal
> ; Int = 1 -> Result = failure
> ; Int = 2 -> Result = infeasible
> ; Int = 3 -> Result = unbounded
> ; Int = 4 -> Result = failure
> ; Int = 5 -> Result = failure
> ; Result = failure
> ).
Why all the different failure cases? Please document them.
> { Succ = no} % XXX is this correct, or should we return
> % the fact that we didnt output a constraint
> % currently if we dont print out any constraints
> % then lp_solve fails.
Please punctuate those sentences.
> % Copyright (C) 1995 University of Melbourne.
Please check the copyright dates on all the files you're adding.
> % used in termination_3_goal to keep track of the relative sizes of variables
> % between the head of a pred and any recursive calls.
> % the last argument is only used when doing single argument analysis. It
> % stores which headvar was initially placed in this tuple.
> :- type termination_3
> ---> tuple(pred_proc_id, % The called proc
> int, % the relative size of the active
> % vars, in comparison with the
> % recursive call
> bag(var), % tha bag of active vars
> maybe(var), % only for single arg. analysis
> % stores which headvar is being
> % traced by this tuple
> term__context). % Where the call occured
It would be helpful if you could use better names than `termination_3'
and `tuple'.
> :- pred termination_2(module_info, dependency_ordering, module_info, io__state,
> io__state).
> :- mode termination_2(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
> termination_2(Module, [], Module) --> [].
> termination_2(Module0, [SCC | SCCs], Module) -->
> % YYY
> %{ c_puts("termination_2") },
You need to fix that % YYY comment.
> :- pred termination_3(list(pred_proc_id), module_info,
> term_util__result(term_error__error), relation(pred_proc_id),
> relation(pred_proc_id)).
> :- mode termination_3(in, in, out, in, out) is det.
Some documentation for this pred would be good idea.
Also more informative names would help.
> (
> { SingleArgs = yes },
> { Rest = [] },
> { Error \= _ - dont_know_proc(_) }
> % and Error=???
That comment is quite confusing.
> % single arg failed - bummer
Please use a term that wouldn't possibly offend anyone, rather than "bummer".
Remember that this code may be read by people from different cultures...
> Int < 0,
> % check that the var that was recursed on did not
> % changeplace between the head and recursive call.
> % I am not sure if the first call is actually
> % required to succeed
s/changeplace/change place/
> bag__remove(VarBag0, HeadVar, VarBag1),
> \+ bag__remove_smallest(VarBag1, _, _)
Hmm, wouldn't `\+ bag__is_empty(VarBag1)' be better?
> ;
> CallTermConst = not_set,
> error("Unexpected Termination Constant in termination.m"),
> Res0 = ok,
> Out1 = Out0
Delete the assignments to Res0 and Out1, they're not needed.
A comment here explaining why this condition was impossible
would be helpful.
> % step 1 - modify Out0
Could you please expand on that comment a bit?
Modify Out0 in what way? What is this code trying to achieve?
> termination_3_goal(pragma_c_code(_, _, CallPredId, CallProcId, Args, _, _),
> GoalInfo, Module, _UnifyInfo, _CallInfo, Res, Out, Out) :-
> module_info_pred_proc_info(Module, CallPredId, CallProcId, _,
> CallProcInfo),
> proc_info_argmodes(CallProcInfo, CallArgModes),
> partition_call_args(Module, CallArgModes, Args, _InVars, OutVars),
> bag__from_list(OutVars, OutVarBag),
> ( termination_3_check_intersect(Out, OutVarBag) ->
> % c_code has no important output vars, so we need no error
> Res = ok
> ;
> goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),
> Res = error(Context - pragma_c_code)
> ).
A comment here explaining how you treat pragma c_codes would be helpful.
> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % These following predicates all support termination_3_goal.
s/all support/are all subroutines of/
> :- pred termination_3_modify_out(bag(var), bag(var), int, list(termination_3),
> list(termination_3)).
> :- mode termination_3_modify_out(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
> termination_3_modify_out(_, _, _, [], []).
> termination_3_modify_out(InVars, OutVars, Off, [Out0 | Out0s], [Out | Outs]):-
> Out0 = tuple(PPId, Int0, Vars0, Var, Context),
> ( bag__intersect(OutVars, Vars0) ->
> % there is an intersection
> bag__subtract(Vars0, OutVars, Vars1),
> bag__union(InVars, Vars1, Vars),
> Int = Int0 + Off,
> Out = tuple(PPId, Int, Vars, Var, Context)
> ;
> % there is not an intersection
> Out = Out0
> ),
> termination_3_modify_out(InVars, OutVars, Off, Out0s, Outs).
What is the variable "Off" supposed to represent here?
More meaningful variable names and/or better documentation would help here.
> :- module term_util.
> :- interface.
> :- import_module list, bool, bag, int, hlds_module, hlds_pred, hlds_data.
> :- import_module term_error, io, hlds_goal.
> :- type termination
> ---> term(term_util__constant, terminates, maybe(list(bool)),
> maybe(term_error__error)).
> % the final list has a 1:1 correspondance with the arguments of the
> % proc. it stores whether the arg is used in producing the
> % output args.
What is the type `termination' used for?
Please document that.
Also, what do you mean by the "final" list?
> %
> :- pred term_util__make_bool_list(proc_info, list(bool), list(bool)).
> :- mode term_util__make_bool_list(in, in, out) is det.
> :- pred term_util__make_bool_list_2(list(var), list(bool), list(bool)).
> :- mode term_util__make_bool_list_2(in, in, out) is det.
Please document these. Also, if something is exported from a module,
it should have a more meaningful name than `..._2'.
> :- pred partition_call_args(module_info, list(mode),
> list(var), list(var), list(var)).
> :- mode partition_call_args(in, in, in, out, out) is det.
Please document this.
> % removes vars from the InVarBag that are not used in the call
> :- pred remove_unused_args(bag(var), list(var), list(bool), bag(var)).
> :- mode remove_unused_args(in, in, in, out) is det.
The documentation here is not clear. What are the intended
semantics of each argument?
> :- pred set_pred_proc_ids_const(list(pred_proc_id), term_util__constant,
> module_info, module_info).
> :- mode set_pred_proc_ids_const(in, in, in, out) is det.
> :- pred set_pred_proc_ids_terminates(list(pred_proc_id), terminates,
> maybe(term_error__error), module_info, module_info).
> :- mode set_pred_proc_ids_terminates(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
> :- pred split_unification_vars(list(var), list(uni_mode), module_info,
> bag(var), bag(var)).
> :- mode split_unification_vars(in, in, in, out, out) is det.
Please document these.
> split_unification_vars([], Modes, _ModuleInfo, Vars, Vars) :-
> bag__init(Vars),
> ( Modes = [] ->
> true
> ;
> error("Error in termination.m")
> ).
This is in term_util.m, so the error message shouldn't say termination.m.
Please add a comment explaining why this is an error.
> split_unification_vars([Arg | Args], Modes, ModuleInfo,
> InVars,OutVars):-
s/,/, /
> ( Modes = [UniMode | UniModes] ->
> split_unification_vars(Args, UniModes, ModuleInfo,
> InVars0, OutVars0),
> UniMode = ((_VarInit - ArgInit) -> (_VarFinal - ArgFinal)),
> ( %if
> inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo, ArgInit)
> ->
> (
> % is input var
> bag__insert(InVars0, Arg, InVars),
> OutVars = OutVars0
> )
> ; %elseif
> (
> inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, ArgInit),
> inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo, ArgFinal)
> )
> ->
> %is outputvar
> InVars = InVars0,
> bag__insert(OutVars0, Arg, OutVars)
> ; %else
> InVars = InVars0,
> OutVars = OutVars0
> )
> ;
> error("Error in termination.m")
> ).
This is buggy, as we discussed.
> proc_info_termination(ProcInfo0, Termination0),
> Termination0 = term(_Const, Term, UsedArgs, MaybeError),
> Termination = term(Const, Term, UsedArgs, MaybeError),
> % YYY
> %c_put_term(PPId, Termination),
> proc_info_set_termination(ProcInfo0, Termination, ProcInfo),
That % YYY comment needs fixing.
> Termination0 = term(Const, _Terminates, UsedArgs, _),
> Termination = term(Const, Terminates, UsedArgs, MaybeError),
> % YYY
> %c_put_term(PPId, Termination),
> proc_info_set_termination(ProcInfo0, Termination, ProcInfo),
> error("Unmatched Vars in termination.m").
> partition_call_args(ModuleInfo, [ArgMode | ArgModes], [Arg | Args],
> InputArgs, OutputArgs) :-
> partition_call_args(ModuleInfo, ArgModes, Args,
> InputArgs1, OutputArgs1),
> ( mode_is_input(ModuleInfo, ArgMode) ->
> InputArgs = [Arg | InputArgs1],
> OutputArgs = OutputArgs1
> ; mode_is_output(ModuleInfo, ArgMode) ->
> InputArgs = InputArgs1,
> OutputArgs = [Arg | OutputArgs1]
> ;
> InputArgs = InputArgs1,
> OutputArgs = OutputArgs1
> ).
Should those be calls to mode_is_fully_input and mode_is_fully_output?
> functor_norm(simple, ConsId, _, Int) :-
> (
> ConsId = cons(_, Arity),
> Arity \= 0
> ->
> Int = 1
> ;
> Int = 0
> ).
That doesn't match the documentation, which says "assigns all functors
a norm of 1". You should change the documentation to say "assigns all
functors a norm of 1 and all constants a norm of zero".
> functor_norm(total, ConsId, _Module, Int) :-
> ( ConsId = cons(_, Arity) ->
> Int = Arity
> ;
> Int = 1
> ).
What about pred_consts?
> :- type term_error__error == pair(term__context, termination_error).
> :- type termination_error
> ---> positive_value(pred_proc_id, pred_proc_id)
> % a recursive call is made with variables that are
> % strictly larger than in the head. note that
> % the recursive call may be indirect, so this does
> % not neccessarily indicate non-termination.
> % The first PPId is the calling proc. The second
> % PPId is the called proc, and the context is the
> % line where the call occurs.
s/indirect/conditional/ ?
> ; not_subset(bag(var), bag(var))
> ; horder_call
> ; pragma_c_code
> ; dont_know_proc(pred_proc_id)
> ; dont_know_proc_called(pred_proc_id)
> ; horder_args(pred_proc_id)
> ; inf_termination_const(pred_proc_id)
> ; ite_wrong_vars(bag(var), bag(var))
> ; switch_wrong_vars(bag(var), bag(var))
> ; disj_wrong_vars(bag(var), bag(var))
> ; not_dag
> ; no_eqns
> ; lpsolve_failed(eqn_soln)
> ; call_in_single_arg(pred_proc_id)
> ; single_arg_failed(term_error__error)
> ; single_arg_failed(term_error__error, term_error__error).
Please document these. E.g. what does `not_subset' indicate,
and what do the arguments mean (what is the correct argument order?).
What does `dont_know_proc' mean, and when could it occur?
What do `inf', `ite', and `dag' stand for? What does wrong_vars mean?
> % eqn_soln are used to report the results from solving the equations
> % created in the first pass. The first 4 (optimal - failure) represent
> % output states from lp_solve.
> :- type eqn_soln
> ---> optimal
> ; infeasible
> ; unbounded
> ; failure
> ; fatal_error % unable to open a file, or make a system call
> ; parse_error % unable to parse the output from lp_solve
> ; solved(list(pair(pred_proc_id, int))).
What's the difference between infeasible, unbounded, and failure?
What's the difference between optimal and solved?
> :- implementation.
> :- import_module hlds_out, prog_out, hlds_pred.
> term_error__output(MaybePredId, Module,
> Context - positive_value(CallerPPId, CalledPPId)) -->
> ( { MaybePredId = yes(PredId) } ->
> { CalledPPId = proc(CalledPredId, _CalledProcId) },
> { CallerPPId = proc(CallerPredId, _CallerProcId) },
> prog_out__write_context(Context),
> io__write_string("Unable to check termination in predicate:\n"),
> prog_out__write_context(Context),
> hlds_out__write_pred_id(Module, PredId),
> ( { PredId = CallerPredId } ->
> io__write_string("as it contains a\n")
s/as/ as/
Please add test cases to exercise all these errors and warnings.
> ;
> io__nl,
> prog_out__write_context(Context),
> io__write_string(
> "as it is in the same SCC as the following predicate\n"
> ),
s/as/ as/
You need to indent the second and subsequent lines of error messages by
two spaces.
> prog_out__write_context(Context),
> hlds_out__write_pred_id(Module, CallerPredId),
io__write_string(" "),
before the call to write_pred_id.
> prog_out__write_context(Context),
> ( { PredId = CalledPredId } ->
> io__write_string("directly recursive call")
> ;
> io__write_string("recursive call to"),
> hlds_out__write_pred_id(Module, CalledPredId),
> io__nl,
> prog_out__write_context(Context)
> ),
> io__write_string("with the size of the variables increased.\n")
More buggy formatting.
Please fix it.
> ;
> % only for hlds_dump
> { CalledPPId = proc(CalledPredId, _CalledProcId) },
> { CallerPPId = proc(CallerPredId, _CallerProcId) },
> prog_out__write_context(Context),
> io__write_string("this SCC contains a recursive call from "),
> hlds_out__write_pred_id(Module, CallerPredId),
> io__write_string("to "),
> hlds_out__write_pred_id(Module, CalledPredId),
> io__write_string("with the size of the variables increased.\n")
> ).
> term_error__output(MaybePredId, Module, Context - horder_call) -->
> prog_out__write_context(Context),
> ( { MaybePredId = yes(PredId) } ->
> hlds_out__write_pred_id(Module, PredId)
> ;
> []
> ),
> io__write_string("horder_call\n").
Does that string ("horder_call") get output in messages that the user will see?
If so, you need to write it in English, not cryptic abbreviations.
Ditto for all the remaining clauses for this predicate.
I would like to see test cases that exercise all these errors and warnings.
Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au> | "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh> | of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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